Dr. Chaisson Profiled by Gupta-Klinsky India Institute (2023) Featured Image

Link to article: https://indiainstitute.jhu.edu/news/news-from-gkii-2/news-from-gkii/richard-chaisson-faculty-spotlight/

This is a written profile about the Director of the Center for TB and AIDS Research at Johns Hopkins University (JHU), Dr. Richard Chaisson. It was published on March 24, 2023 by the Gupta-Klinsky India Institute at JHU.

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“There are literally billions of people in the world who are infected with TB already and are at risk of getting sick with it in the future. It’s a problem that will stick around for a long time to come, even if we developed the most perfect tools imaginable.”

A perfect vaccine. A perfect treatment. A perfect preventive program. Dr. Richard Chaisson, Professor of Medicine, Epidemiology, and International Health and Director of the Johns Hopkins University Center for Tuberculosis Research, notes that even with these, tuberculosis is going to be a challenge for years to come. Total elimination is a fantasy, especially within the next few years, he says. The key right now is to reduce the burden so that it’s not a public health catastrophe.