ZTB Featured by Johns Hopkins Medicine (2022) Featured Image

Link to webpage: https://hopkinsinfectiousdiseases.jhmi.edu/research/research-areas/tb-and-ntm/tb-and-ntm-research-programs/

This is an overview of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine’s tuberculosis programs. It has been published since January 2022.

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Zero TB in Tibetan Kids

Tuberculosis (TB) is the single most important public health problem in the Tibetan community today.  Rates of TB in the Tibetan population living in exile in India are nearly three times higher than rates in India as a whole and more than 150 times higher than rates in the Unites States.  Tibetan refugees are at particular risk for TB transmission because more than half of this population resides in congregate settings such as boarding schools, monasteries and nunneries. The epidemic of tuberculosis among the Tibetan population is largely driven by TB disease in youth, especially schoolchildren.

Tuberculosis (TB) is the single most important public health problem in the Tibetan community today.  Rates of TB in the Tibetan population living in exile in India are nearly three times higher than rates in India as a whole and more than 150 times higher than rates in the Unites States.  Tibetan refugees are at particular risk for TB transmission because more than half of this population resides in congregate settings such as boarding schools, monasteries and nunneries.  The epidemic of tuberculosis among the Tibetan population is largely driven by TB disease in youth, especially schoolchildren.

The objective of the Zero TB in Tibetan Kids project is to reduce the rates of TB in this population through the implementation of a model system of TB care.  Project activities will include community awareness building, active TB case finding, TB case management and a preventive therapy program.  The long-term goal of the project is to eliminate TB disease in Tibetan children. Kunchok Dorjee, MD, PhD implemented the Zero TB in Tibetan Kids project.