Kunchok Dorjee
Kunchok Dorjee

Project Director, Principal Investigator

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Richard Chaisson
Richard Chaisson

Director of Center for TB and AIDS Research

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Zorba Paster
Zorba Paster


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Amita Gupta
Amita Gupta

Chief of Division of Infectious Diseases

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Robert Bollinger
Robert Bollinger

Professor of Medicine and International Health

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Tsetan Dorji Sadutshang
Tsetan Dorji Sadutshang

Chief Medical Officer at Delek Hospital

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Dawa Phunkyi
Dawa Phunkyi

CEO of Delek Hospital

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RK Sood
RK Sood

District Health Officer at NTEP India

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Sonam Topgyal
Sonam Topgyal

Senior Medical Officer at Delek Hospital

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Bhabana Shrestha
Bhabana Shrestha

ZTB Collaborator at NATA

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Pema Lhakyi
Pema Lhakyi


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Mingma Sherpa
Mingma Sherpa

CEO of Himalayan Trust

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Nyima Phuti
Nyima Phuti

Medical Officer at Himalayan Trust

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Tenzin Namdon
Tenzin Namdon

Medical Officer at Delek Hospital

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Kashim Shah
Kashim Shah

Senior Program Officer at Nick Simons Institute

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Suman Pant
Suman Pant

Medical Officer at Himalayan Trust

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Sheriza Baksh
Sheriza Baksh

Assistant Research Professor

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RC Sadoff
RC Sadoff

Program Coordinator

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Sangyal Dorjee
Sangyal Dorjee

Research Assistant

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Tibetan Children’s Villages (TCV)
Tibetan Children’s Villages (TCV)

Key SKI-ZTB Partner in India

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Delek Hospital
Delek Hospital

Key ZTB Partner in India

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Nepal Anti-TB Association (NATA)
Nepal Anti-TB Association (NATA)

Key ZTB Partner in Nepal

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Himalayan Trust
Himalayan Trust

Key ZTB Partner in Nepal

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Nepal Fertility Care Center (NFCC)
Nepal Fertility Care Center (NFCC)

Key ZTB-SKI Partner in Nepal

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National Tuberculosis Control Center (NTCC)
National Tuberculosis Control Center (NTCC)

Key ZTB Partner in Nepal

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