Tuberculosis has been a major public health problem for Nepal. Annually, tens of thousands of TB cases go undetected. According to the National Prevalence survey, Nepal has a high TB prevalence of more than 450/100,000. ZTB Nepal is developed to support the National Program in identifying the missing cases in congregate residential settings of schools, monasteries and nunneries. Since 2020, more than 5000 children and adults in schools, monasteries and nunneries have been screened for active and latent TB in Nepal over the past three years, providing preventive therapy to those with TB infection and active TB treatment to those with TB disease. The project is currently being implemented in several districts of Kathmandu valley. Extremely high rates of TB have been detected in the congregate residential settings. The project is endorsed by the National Tuberculosis Control Center and implemented in collaboration with Nepal Anti-TB Association, Himalayan trust, and Nepal Fertility Care Center.